TABLE 1. Average annual budget of CO2 perturbations for 1980-1989 (from Schimel 1995). Fluxes and reservoir changes of carbon are expressed in 1012 kg/yr (= Gt/yr). Numbers are from IPCC WGI (1995), in addition to estimates for terrestrial sink terms from Schimel.

CO2 budget 1012 kg/yr Error*
CO2 sources
Emissions from fossil fuel combustion and cement production   5.5 0.5
Net emissions from changes in tropical land use 1.6 1.0
Total anthropogenic emissions 7.1 1.1
CO2 sinks
Storage in the atmosphere 3.2 0.2
Oceanic uptake 2.0 0.8
Uptake by Northern Hemisphere forest regrowth 0.5 0.5
CO2 fertilization 1.0 0.5
N deposition 0.6 0.3
Residual (source) (0.2) (2.0)

*Errors are accumulated by quadrature.